Finding NetBSD Kernel Bugs through LockDoc

This post will be my attempt to package up my master’s thesis in a format that can be read comfortably. I’ve spent the last 15 months mostly on this topic, and if you’ve noticed that some of my past posts mostly revolved around NetBSD, this is why. I hope this also gives me the opportunity to shine a light on some implementation details, since the thesis itself had to be mostly focused on the academic stuff.

Warning: This article probably ends up as a leaving and breathing text, meaning I will fix or extend stuff as I notice it/want to. Also, since this is my personal research project, don’t take everything you find in here as a hard truth, there probably are some errors in here. If you find errors or want more details on some topics, shoot me an email or a DM and I’ll be happy to extend this article. I also plan on translating the whole thesis into English, but not right now.

Locking is Hard

Locking is hard. There are some ways to do get right, and even more ways to do it wrongly. One example on why locking is difficult is figuring out how coarse to lock. If you’re just slapping a single big lock onto your code base (more on that later), you’re probably not running into any race conditions, but are sacrificing performance. On the other hand, if you’re read/write locking every single field in every single data structure, you’re prone to getting confused and making errors sooner or later, and are also sacrificing performance, due to the pure locking overhead compared to your actual calculations. Also, if you’re doing this, good luck on reading your code a few weeks later. All those locking-related lines usually make it impossible to figure out.

Locking a Kernel

Ages ago, when computer only had a single processor and that single processor only had a single core, locking was pretty easy. No need to lock when there physically can’t be any concurrency, right? Well, with one exception, interrupts are things that can happen. But even that isn’t such a big issue: You just wait for the higher-prioritized interrupt to finish.

But then the 1990’s happened and people decided to cram more processors into a computer and invent something called SMP – symmetric multiprocessing. A need for proper synchronization arose suddenly. Almost all major (open-source) operating systems solved this the same way back then: They just added a lock for the whole kernel. This was often called the Giant Lock or Big Kernel Lock, depending on what OS you were working on. It was simple, as soon as one process did some kernel level stuff through syscalls, the entire kernel would be locked for other processes. Process A wants to send network packets while Process B is reading something from the disk? Tough luck.

As you can imagine, this was terrible for performance. Only one process doing important kernel stuff at the time definitely is no permanent solution. That’s why the developers started to add more locks, specifically they started out with locks per kernel subsystem for the most often used ones. Imagine one lock for networking, one for disk I/O, etc. This made other kernel subsystems faster too, since those didn’t have to wait for the more often used ones.

This adding and slowly removing of the Big Kernel Lock also allowed the developers to carefully plan on how to do the locking properly, instead of being forced to find a working solution as fast as possible. The BKL got added to the Linux kernel in 1996 and removed again in 2011. In other operating systems, like FreeBSD, you can still find some remnants of it if you look carefully.

The Single Source of Truth

Where there is code, there should be comments. If you’ve ever worked on kernel code, you may know how that isn’t always the case. But let’s assume everything is commented properly. You are a dev and you want to add a driver for your new fancy webcam that isn’t supported yet in your favorite OS. So, you start looking on how to do proper locking of the USB stack and maybe some video subsystem, there is some stuff to interface with. That’s when you notice some inconsistencies:

How do you know what to use? What is the right way to do it? Also, are Foo or Bar even the right locks to use? Both of those could be wrong and you may have to use lock Baz.

In your quest to write a webcam driver there may not be comments at all. You may have to work off of existing code. Or there is documentation in the code, but it may have a lot of different forms. Is it a prose text in the code? Some commented-out code that is being kept around as a reference? Some embedded ASCII-diagrams? Also, depending on the kernel, documentation may actually not be in the kernel code itself? Is it in the man-page? Some book? Some kernel dev mailing lists? I’ve seen documentation only existing in long-forgotten IRC chats.

Working further along, you see code that is intentionally written wrong, it doesn’t use locks for “performance purposes”. Is that code wrong if it works as it should?

As you can see by know, working on kernel code can be hard, since there is no single source of locking truth to rely on. There isn’t even a way to define “correct” locking. So there is a good chance that code may be incorrect, since kernel development is hard. How do we find such issues?


LockDoc is based on previous work done in LockDoc: Trace-Based Analysis of Locking in the Linux Kernel and its related papers. It is based on post mortem analysis, i.e. it first logs all memory and locking operations and analyzes them at a later point in time. If you’re interested in alternatives to post mortem analysis, I recommend you read RacerX: effective, static detection of race conditions and deadlocks (or my own, German thesis, linked at the bottom).

LockDoc has already successfully been used to analyze both the Linux and FreeBSD VFS subsystems. In my thesis, I applied those principles to NetBSD, also choosing the VFS subsystem.

How does it work?

One big and important assumption of LockDoc is: “The majority of the program code to be examined works correctly. Errors are rare.”

This assertion can be proven by the fact that with a similar density of lock operations per code path, a large proportion of the lock operations take place in frequently executed code. The operating systems being analyzed are often used in massive amounts across the world, and per instance of a given kernel, the important code paths are being used very regularly. From this we can conclude, that possible race conditions or deadlocks probably have happened already, and have subsequently been fixed. You can also prove this assumption through the inverse: If an operating system is riddled with bugs, it would most probably be unstable and would thus not being used as much.

That’s where LockDoc begins: For any given data structure, it is presumed that before it is being accessed, all necessary locks have usually already been set correctly. Since this complete data set is known using post mortem analysis, we can build hypothesis on how a data structure is intended to be locked.


To find locking bugs we need a bunch of data about how locks are being used already. To get that kind of data, we run programs that access relevant functions and data structures as frequently as possible and with as much code coverage as possible. For this reason, we use benchmarks, stress tests, or general test suites. For Linux and FreeBSD the Linux Test Project LTP was used (through FreeBSD’s Linux emulation layer). We will continue using LTP, but also adding NetBSD’s Automated Testing Framework ATF in the mix to get a better coverage.

Since we have some strict restrictions on what code we can actually analyze (i.e. nothing that needs real-time communication to the outside, no obscure drivers), we focus on the VFS subsystem. Both LTP and ATF have specific FS test suites.

But how do we actually log those memory accesses and locking from inside the kernel for later analysis? The trick is we don’t. Instead, we run the OS with the test suite inside of a modified Bochs emulator called FAIL*.

That emulator is instructed to log every relevant (more on that later) operation into a big CSV file for later analysis. To show an excerpt of this CSV:


Locking-Rule Derivation

From this big list of operations we can now hopefully generate some statistics about what locks are being used in what order to lock which data structure. In order to achieve this, we throw the whole CSV into a big Postgres database and let some SQL statements and a C++ program (the hypothesizer) churn through it. Internally, there are some different algorithms on how to get the best locking hypothesis, and some parameters to tweak for each one, but if you really want to know about this, I recommend you to read the original paper.

The TL; DR is: We get a hypothesis on how any given, observed data structure should be locked.


You should now have a set of presumably correct locking rules for every data structure relevant to you. What now? You can use those for three main purposes:

  1. Use the Locking-Rule Checker which compares the generated locking rules to those that are actually documented, with the aim of finding documentation bugs.
  2. Use the Rule-Violation Finder which focuses on comparing existing code traces with the “correct” locking to find bugs in the code. This is the main focus of this thesis.
  3. Use the Documentation Generator to generate new locking documentation for existing code.


To actually use the LockDoc approach in combination with NetBSD, a bunch of work has to be done in order to make the two play nicely with each other.

I started off with NetBSD 10.99.5 (CVS snapshot from 2023/07/07, Git Commit 88b01cb4e58810347a8cd0b5edf74bd546f8e4c0).

Basic Modifications

First of all I needed a basic kernel config, including only the parts necessary to boot in the Bochs-based emulators, no more and no less. No more is especially important, since including unneeded kernel subsystems results in longer runtimes and more interference in the analysis. This is where I lost my mind the first time, as Bochs and NetBSD’s graphic drivers are not exactly friends.

There were some other changes required to make NetBSD automatically boot into the benchmarks/test suites, since we don’t have any interactive access to the system during analysis. That’s where I lost my mind a second time, as Bochs took a few shortcuts in its serial console management.


For the emulator to log locking operations in NetBSD, we need a way for NetBSD to tell the emulator about those occurences. This is being achieved through an extern struct log_action la_buffer, as can be seen here:

struct log_action {
	enum LOCKDOC_OP action;
	int32_t ctx;
	uint32_t lock_op;
	uint32_t ptr;
	uint32_t size;
	char type[LOCKDOC_LOG_CHAR_BUFFER_LEN]; // allocated data_type or lock type
	char lock_member[LOCKDOC_LOG_CHAR_BUFFER_LEN];
	int32_t line;
	int32_t preempt_count;
	int32_t irq_sync;
	int32_t flags;

Every time the NetBSD kernel wants the emulator to log something, usually a locking operation, it fills this buffer with the appropriate information and then sends a single letter via a special console port to the emulator. The emulator, upon receiving this letter, pauses the NetBSD system immedeatly, reads the buffer, stores any relevant information for later, and resumes the Kernel once that is done.

This struct holds information about what message we want to send to the emulator, like whether the current message is a memory (de)allocation or a locking operation, and also the source where the current code is being called from.

If you want more context, you can also take a look at lockdoc.h.

Furthermore, we have to adapt the NetBSD kernel so that the emulator knows information about the memory layout. What use is this buffer when the emulator doesn’t know how to find it? To achieve this we go the easy way and just print the memory location over serial on kernel startup. From that point on we can use the buffer to send data, and some important data we need on startup are the memory location of the current kernel thread (LWP in NetBSD lingo), the memory location of the LWP flags (so we can see whether we are in an interrupt handler), the location of the PID, and some basic metadata info like the version of the kernel being tested.

Locking operations

For LockDoc to actually be able to do its magic, we need information about relevant locking operations and memory accesses.

To get locking information we “simply” replace the original mutex.h and rwlock.h with our own methods, which write relevant statistics like memory location, file and line the lock is being accessed from, etc. to the buffer, tell the emulator to read and store them, and then actually do the locking operations.

We do a similar thing for interrupt handling, as those can be seen as locking operations too: After all, they temporarily disable concurrency. For this reason, we also redefine x86_disable_intr, x86_enable_intr, trace_irqs_on and trace_irqs_off.

Memory accesses

It is not easily manageable to log every single memory access that happens during the entire runtime of our emulated machine. There are simply too much. But we don’t have to do that. Since we focus on the VFS subsystem, we pick out the relevant data structures like vnodes or mounts and only log access to those. How do we achieve that?

There is a lovely lockdoc_log_memory function call at every code path that initializes such a data structure. That function sends information to the FAIL* emulator, telling it to watch the memory that has been allocated, and log every access to it. At the end of the lifetime of this data structure, we call lockdoc_log_memory again, telling it to not watch this memory section anymore, since it has been deallocated.

While this may seem like a daunting task, there are actually very few code paths that have to be modified. If we for example look at struct vnode_impl, we can easily grep the entire code base to allocs of this data structure. There are only two code paths that do that, so we only have to add two lines to the kernel code, plus 2 more for the deallocation later.


The C programming language has a lot of nice features, some of which don’t make it exactly easier for us to do our modifications. One of those features is the union data type, a data type which can hold one of multiple different nested data structures. In NetBSD it is often used, for example in struct buf as seen below. Source

struct buf {
    union {
    struc struct {
#if defined(_KERNEL)
                /* LOCKDOC: This had to be moved in front of u_actq and
                 * u_rbnode becuase the vfs_bio subsys does
                 * some *interesting* pointer stuff
                 struct work u_work;
                TAILQ_ENTRY(buf) u_actq;
                rb_node_t u_rbnode;
    } b_u;
    void            (*b_iodone)(struct buf *);
    int             b_error;
    // [...]

Regarding LockDoc, this causes problems as the emulator does not know, what data structure is being held internally. To circumvent this, we replace every union with a simple struct. This results in a slightly higher memory usage (which is so slight that it was not measurable), and also in some faulty pointer arithmetic in the kernel. After replacing the union with a struct, you cannot access the nested data anymore by just pointing to the beginning of the outer data structure. Those (very few) occurrences had to be reordered or patched manually.

There were some more challenges regarding the LockDoc adaption to NetBSD. One of them being NetBSD’s use of locking without explicit data structures made for locking. For example, there are some code paths that just use an u_int as flag array, using atomic operations to set some “busy” flag. And while there are macros to set/unset that flag, they aren’t used consistently. So in the end we had to grep the entire kernel source for accesses to that flag array, just to instrument those manually.

The last, and probably biggest, issue was the use of locks that are not contained in their respective structs. You see, the LockDoc toolset does not log every single locking operations. It deems only those relevant, that happen in the structs we want to analyze and kernel-wide static ones. This wasn’t an issue in the previous Linux and FreeBSD experiments, as there simply were (almost) no locks outside of structs. NetBSD however…NetBSD constantly uses pointers in its structs to point to some lock that was declared at an entirely different location. And that is what I tried to handle for almost two months. I’ve tried a bunch of things, including:

The last option finally worked and this is how it works: We hand the analysis tooling a list of our problematic struct member names (i.e. pointers to locks), the type they’re pointing to, and their size:


For every lock, the emulator checks whether the name matches this list of problematic locks. If that is the case, it hallucinates a struct with the same name, and only containing that lock. Please note that the following is no valid C code, and it not written anywhere. We just tell the emulator that this is how it should handle those cases.

struct v_interlock {
    kmutex_t v_interlock;

The disadvantage of that method consists of not being able to tell when such a lock is being freed again (as we start watching them upon access, not upon (de)allocation). In theory, that could lead to conflicts when that memory section is being reused for other relevant data structures. Luckily, this did not happen during our tests.


After all that theory, now to the part you’ve all been waiting for: Let’s move on to the actual tests and results.

First of all we ran our workloads/stress tests on the modified NetBSD inside our emulator. Since this is an emulator, emulating every instruction, instead of a virtual machine, this took a while. Since that entire process is bound to single-thread performance (and because I couldn’t get the emulator to build on my M2 Mac), I opted for an Intel Core i7-12700 based machine. Running NetBSD with the ATF FS test suite and logging all the relevant memory accesses/locking operations took around 5 days and 17 hours or 137h on that machine (at around 4,90GHz). Using the FS test suite contained in LTP takes around 2 days and 4 hours or 52h.

The pure size of the logs (as CSV files) is around 206GiB for ATF FS and 108GiB for LTP FS.

The actual (post mortem) analysis was done on four socket system, filled with Intel Core E5-4640. Most of the analysis is being done via SQL statements in Postgres, taking 11.5h for ATF FS and 10.8h for LTP FS. This is for a single SELECT statement containing 27 JOINS.

Since this is a blog article and not a research paper, I’ll skip some of the theoretical stuff and jump directly to the results:

Ambiguous Documentation

During automated comparison of existing locking documentation and generated locking documentation I noticed the following line:

// n,l  vi_nc_lock① + vi_nc_listlock② to modify

There seemingly are two ways to interpret this:

  1. (①+②) to modify, meaning you’d have to set neither to read and both to modify or
  2. ① + (② to modify), meaning you’d have to always set ①, and additionally ② if you wanted to write to the variable.

Upon chatting with the NetBSD contributors on IRC (great people btw, and a huge shout out to them for constantly helping me with my dumb questions), it turned out that neither explanation is correct. The correct way to read the comment is either to read, both to modify. Realizing this was a little ambiguous, they fixed it in rev. 1.27 of vnode_impl.h, it now reads

// n,l	both vi_nc_lock + vi_nc_listlock to modify, either to read

Missing Lock in the FFS File System

This is the bug I’m most proud of, since it seems to be an actual bug in the actual NetBSD kernel.

While looking through the generated list of possible locking bugs I noticed the vnode_impl->vi_vnode->v_numoutput data structure. The LockDoc-generated hypothesis tells us that you need to lock v_interlock before accessing this member. This hypothesis can be confirmed by referencing the documentation. However, there are two code paths, where v_numoutput is being accessed without the proper precautions, once in sys_sync, and once in sys_unmount. Both internally call the same FFS-specific function, which checks if v_numoutput > 0, without locking it first:

 * Force stale file system control information to be flushed.
if (waitfor != MNT_LAZY && (ump->um_devvp->v_numoutput > 0 ||
    !LIST_EMPTY(&ump->um_devvp->v_dirtyblkhd))) {
	vn_lock(ump->um_devvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
	if ((error = VOP_FSYNC(ump->um_devvp, cred,
	    (waitfor == MNT_WAIT ? FSYNC_WAIT : 0) | FSYNC_NOLOG,
	    0, 0)) != 0)
		allerror = error;

To check if this really is a bug I once again turned to the #NetBSD-code IRC channel where I got that bug confirmed (although its not a big issue):

<@Riastradh> although I guess it’s not actually a big issue, because either <@Riastradh> (a) ffs_sync is being called concurrently with other file system activity, so new writes can be concurrently triggered anyway, so it doesn’t really matter much; or
<@Riastradh> (b) ffs_sync is being called when the file system is quiesced, in which case it can’t change anyway.

But since it is a bug after all, I got to create NetBSD Problem Report #57606, through which it got fixed shortly after.

I love this bug because it shows that we could find FS-specific bugs through instrumenting the VFS layer (i.e. not touching the FS-specific code at all). Also, it could only be found through my new approach of following lock pointers, and also just because I found a kernel bug, which even though it is low severity, is really cool.

Closing Words

I love this topic. Throughout this thesis I learned so much about the i386 instruction set, kernel development, file system internals, got to solve some cool problems, and got a degree out of it all.

However, please not that I wrote almost none of the LockDoc code myself. All of this would not have been possible without the previous work of Alexander Lochmann and his colleagues, who laid all the groundwork and supported me throughout this bug hunt. I merely ported this over to NetBSD.

Also a big thank you to all the lovely NetBSD maintainers who answered all of my questions immedeatly.


All of the tooling can now be found on GitLab at Relevant for this article:

Want More Details?

You’ve read through this and still aren’t bored yet? Good news, you can read my entire, German thesis right now!

Also if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them! You can best reach me by just commenting on the Fediverse post at:

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